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Robust American Patches 开发 Prophet Rev2 全新音色库

面包Faithfull 发布于 2019-03-22 ·


音色制作商Robust American Patches发布Sequential Prophet Rev2的第一阶段的音色库,可以让你替换掉原厂预设音色,它告诉大家这套音色的灵感来自70年代后期...... 还有80年代早期的科幻电影和乐队。



他们说:Prophet Rev2发布已经有一段时间,我们希望我们给它新制作的音色能让Prophet Rev2重新走上征途,同时希望大家发现这些声音时不仅仅是惊讶而是能真实应用到你的音乐工作上面。

我们的想法很简单,就是让你开启了Prophet Rev2新音色库后,就无法停止一直需要它工作下去,Rev2是一个强大功能十足的带有数字振荡器合成器,我们要给Prophet Rev2重新灌注生命。


这一套音色我们只用了Rev2的半组音色库,我们希望把音色数量降低而提高音色品质,所以在Rev2的1 Bank上分开了两组音色,第一组音色就是今天发布的64个音色文件组成,第二组我们正在开发中,应该在一个月内会推出。

在第一组音色中,您会发现80年代的Soundtrack灵感以及更现代的声音风格。重型合成器低音和强大的光滑Lead以及几个鼓套件,同时我们也提供了足够好的PAD,甚至可以为非常柔和的演奏创作一把原声钢琴,是的你没有听错,是可以用REV 2做钢琴演奏,最后还有一个非常逼真的合唱团音色和懒惰的人声。

这些声音以sysex文件形式传送 (.syx)您同时获得包含所有64个预设的音色文件,以及每个预设的各个sysex文件。 Midi-Ox(PC)或Snoize(Mac)。


Prophet Rev经销商:野雅绫

测评:Prophet Rev 2 Desktop 机架音源版模拟合成器使用评测


Robust American Patches公司还做了一个十分详尽的音色列表介绍,不只有音色名称和组别序号,还在每个音色下面写上一段文字介绍,介绍这个音色特性和bpm值。音色列别如下:

U1 P1: Perpetuals
Single Layer
This is a constantly moving string pad. If held for the duration it slowly gets very bright but can also be used with shorter notes for beautiful decaying chords. MW reduces the filter cutoff slightly.
U1 P2: Retroliner Seq (118bpm)
Dual Layer (Sequence)
You get 2 sounds here. Layer A is doing a velocity sensitive Synth Bass and Layer B starts off as a rather simple poly synth. The MW opens the filter on both layers and changes Layer B into a shimmering wall of synth.
U1 P3: Crazies Buffet (160bpm)
Dual Layer
This patch was inspired by the "Crazies" scene in Escape from New York. Layer A is doing an 8th note bassline sequence provided by modulating the filter with a square LFO. Layer B is doing the falling synth screams. If you hold a note until the pitch fall ends then it becomes a lead with legato playing. Aftertouch bends 1 of the layer B oscillators down by 2 semitones.
U1 P4: Sparticles
Dual Layer
Layer A is a thick analogue pad and layer B is doing an arpeggiated bell like tone on top. MW introduces layer B into the mix. Aftertouch increases the modulations and changes the tone of layer B slightly.
U1 P5: MW Bossoms Seq
Dual Layer (Sequence)
Layer A provides a Kick and Snare kit and layer B is doing a simple monophonic synth line. The MW changes this sound completely bringing the drums up in pitch and making them a little more aggressive. MW does many things to layer B, in short, it brings it to blossom.
U1 P6: Delayed Zenith
Single Layer
This is a slowly developing pad that has 2 soft filter crests. The second crest is slower and longer. MW increases resonance and aftertouch increases the various modulations.
U1 P7: Soft Brass Sect
Single Layer
A simple velocity sensitive brass section with a soft round attack. This works for sustained chords or soft brass stabs. MW adds some vibrato while aftertouch opens the filter slightly and increases the modulations of the LFOs.
U1 P8: Teething
Single Layer (Arpeggio)
This is a simple velocity sensitive arpeggio based on square and triangle waves from oscillator 1. MW changes the character of the filters. (HP and LP) Aftertouch opens the lowpass filter for some raspy thin tones.
U1 P9: Deeply Moving Seq (112bpm)
Single Layer (Sequence)
This patch uses all 4 lanes of the gated sequencer to create a rhythmic pattern out of modulations to the filter and other destinations. The MW changes everything into a different synth sound with a different rhythmic pattern.
U1 P10: Bows Up
Single Layer
This is a small dynamic string section that works best for softer intervals in the middle of the key range. Sounds best in the mid to lower octaves with 2 note chords or intervals as I call them. The MW and aftertouch are both adding vibrato so you can pick with method that works best with the part you are playing.
U1 P11: All Voices Heard
Single Layer
This is a soft legato lead with a medium glide rate. It kind of sounds like a dark voice at times, especially in the lower octaves. Lots of subtle modulation going on. MW slows the LFOs and shifts the waveshapes a little. Aftertouch brings all the modulations to zero for a straight, clean sound.
U1 P12: Major Resolve Lead
Dual Layer
This ia a 4 oscillator lead sound with the oscillators tuned to a major chord. Envelope 3 is used heavily to control the pitch of the oscillators. Upon release the notes resolve to their roots. The MW increases the already present vibrato and aftertouch changes the tone of the filter slightly.
U1 P13: The Talent
Single Layer
This is a velocity sensitive synth choir where a few of the singers have a hard time finding the pitch. The MW increases the modulations slightly and gently opens the filter. Aftertouch does the same.
U1 P14: Harmonics
Single Layer
This patch sounds like guitar harmonics when they are plucked or hammered. Can be used as a pad/comp or plucks. The MW increases the modulations for some vibrato while the aftertouch adds vibrato while opening the filter a little.
U1 P15: Retro Crunch Seq (98bpm)
Dual Layer
This patch provides another Kick & Snare kit on layer A and a Hi Hat on layer B. It starts off pretty tame with the MW down but changes into a crunchy aggressive sound with the MW up.
U1 P16: Crowd Pleaser Seq (88bpm)
Single Layer
This is another Gated Sequence that uses all 4 lanes to create the rhythmic pattern. The MW changes this into a sparse ring modulated pulsing sound. Aftertouch opens the filter some and changes the ring modulation character.
U1 P17: Living Oss Laters
Single Layer
This is a slow pad with a long release using Envelope 3 in loop mode to keep things moving slightly. The MW shifts the oscillator shapes by a substantial amount and this can create a nice phasing sound if worked slowly. Be the phaser home skillet! Aftertouch increases the FX balance bringing up the chorus fx for some nice extra movement.
U1 P18: A Mod Lead
Single Layer
Pretty standard saw lead patch that uses the "audio modulation" parameter to add a little grit and growl. The MW brings up that raspy brass articulation which imparts a slightly meaner tone. Used sparingly it creates a pretty convincing trumpet tone. Used a little less sparingly it brings out the audio modulation sound for a crossmod like tone.
U1 P19: The Multi - Comp
Single Layer
A resonant poly synth that has a soft attack with very low velocities and snaps to attention with higher velocities giving it a pluck like character. The MW opens the filter substantially to produce a PWM poly synth. Aftertouch increases vibrato and opens the filter slightly.
U1 P20: Monster Wheel
Dual Layer
This is a saturated, velocity sensitive legato bass sound with a slightly flabby attack. The MW brings up Layer B which is doing a rather large unison thing that adds a menacing quality to the sound. Aftertouch adds some vibrato and opens the filter a bit. This patch works as a lead as well as a bass sound.
U1 P21: Spongy Comp
Single Layer
A velocity sensitive poly synth good for stabs and sustained chords. Velocity changes the attack character but it always stays pretty punchy. The MW adds some serious vibrato. Aftertouch does a few things but mainly increases the modulations and opens the filter a little.
U1 P22: Synth Bars
Single Layer
This patch is based on a simple electric organ tone with 1 oscillator tuned up by 7 semitones. The envelopes are set to more of a pad type sound with longer attacks and releases. The MW increases the LFO amounts and gives the resonance a healthy boost. This produces a shimmering resonant sweep that works well for soft short chords or sustained double handers.
U1 P23: 1979s
Heavy synth bass on the left and a humana-esque lead on the right. Wasnt going for that but it
kind of ended up in that neighborhood. I try not to dictate to the Prophet. It reveals itself eventually. The MW is doing many things, or causing many things to happen, but the end result mostly is a slightly brighter sound on both layers. Aftertouch increases the LFO speed a little and opens the filter a tiny bit.
U1 P24: Softly She...
Single Layer
This is a simple single layer poly synth pad that uses envelope 3 to create a gentle pitch sweep in the attack portion of the sound. Roland used this trick back in the day for some of their synth choir presets. The MW adds multiple modulations, some that are fighting each other even, for lots of movement. Aftertouch opens the filter slightly.
U1 P25: Blunt Inst Arp
Single Layer (Arpeggio)
This is rather hard sounding arpeggio but go ahead and turn the arp off for a moment. Nows its a bright unison lead with that jet like phasing sound. Its sounds great as a lead or played with a plucking action in the higher octaves. The MW is working overtime here but the end result is an even brighter more aggressive but somehow smooth sound. Aftertouch increases all LFO amounts for some smooth vibrato and oscillator shape modulations.
U1 P26: 2 Glide High
Dual Layer
This is a smooth legato lead with a gentle filter sweep. This patch uses both layers set to exactly the same settings with 1 difference. The glide time. One layer has a fast glide time, the other layer has a slow glide time and the MW controls the balance between the 2 layers. Fully down the glide time is fast. Fully up the glide time is very slow. Somewhere in the middle can produce an interesting mix of the 2.
U1 P27: Bass Biter
Single Layer
This is a nice bouncy legato bass sound using the saw-tri waveform for some extra weight.
Unison is engaged but with only 1 voice for the legato mode. This patch is heavily velocity sensitive. The MW closes the filter just a bit while aftertouch adds some heavy vibrato wobble.
U1 P28: Compressed
Single Layer
Another legato bass patch here with a slight click in the attack and solid sustain for days. Very smooth legato bass lines here. The MW opens the filter very slightly for a more saturated sound. It also brings up the sub osc just a little. Aftertouch adds vibrato and opens the filter a little.
U1 P29: Square Pops Pluck
Single Layer
This is a very snappy velocity sensitive square pluck sound. Higher velocities increase the filter cutoff as well as the filter envelope decay producing a very dynamic sound. This patch uses unison in 1 voice mode and is set to retrigger the envelopes on every note played. The MW sweeps the oscillator shape for different basic tones. Aftertouch adds vibrato and opens the filter a little. This one begs to be arpeggiated or sequenced.
U1 P30: Twister Storm
Dual Layer
This is one of my favorite sounds in the collection. It starts off with a pitch sweep that throws it extremely out of tune for a few seconds. Envelope 3 is responsible for this mess but let us just wait and see where this is going..After the pitch sweep, it becomes possible to play legato leads and sinister basslines. The MW shifts the pitch of all involved into a major chord. This puts a slightly different twist on the pitch sweep when retriggered. Aftertouch adds some vibrato.
U1 P31: Cycle Duty Seq
Single Layer
This patch uses the gated sequencer to create a rhythmic pattern by modulating oscillator 1s frequency Kenneth. Youll note that the oscillator sync function is engaged and that is what you hear being sequenced. Not notes. You can get some really interesting patterns going by triggering multiple notes offset by a beat or 2. The MW changes this sounds whole character to
more of a 80s pwm plastic thing.
U1 P32: Smooth Comp
Single Layer
Very smooth but tight poly synth with a soft brassy tone. This patch is good for stabs and sustained chords. Its velocity sensitive and the resonance comes to the surface with higher velocities. The MW adds vibrato and increases the envelope release times a little. Aftertouch increases all LFO amounts and opens the filter just a little.
U1 P33: Lazy Envelope Ld
Single Layer
This is a unison 2 voice lead with a wide stereo spread. Medium glide time so nothing too fast here. The MW wheel increases the oscillator slop just a little and also opens the filter a bit. Aftertouch opens the filter slightly and adds some vibrato.
U1 P34: Clean Bass
Single Layer
Snappy Unison 1 voice legato bass sound. I love the way this one reacts to velocity. Note Reset is engaged, as with most of our bass sounds, for a nice consistent snappy attack and fuller tone. Velocity not only hits the filter but also boosts the distortion parameter settings a little. The MW adds a little vibrato. Aftertouch opens the filter a little and adds vibrato.
U1 P35: Brash & Proud
Single Layer
Inspired by the synth stabs in an 80s hit pop song by Simple Minds. Its funny how sounds can lead you away from your intended target. This sound started as something else entirely but I stumbled on the tone of the sound in that song and followed it. This sound uses the triangle waveforms and they do synth brass tones extremely well. The MW adds a little vibrato and opens the filter while also adding a little resonance. Aftertouch does the extra vibrato but also
adds some waveshape mode as well.
U1 P36: Comp the Sweep
Dual Layer
Thick sweeping poly synth with lots of resonance and a very tight release. Practically no release as a matter of fact. The MW changes the whole character of the sound into a bright, tight synth great for stabs and sustained chords. The sweeping attack is replaced with a very sharp attack. Aftertouch adds some vibrato.
U1 P37: Vanishing Points
Single Layer
This is a simple but effective sound effect. Just a noise fade up and a fast delayed filter sweep using envelope 3 and the HP filter fx. Envelope 3 also triggers the delayed panning at the end via LFO 1.
U1 P38: Hey Q-Tip Man Single Layer
U1 P39: Blissin
Single Layer
Very soft fading in pad that works great with short staccato notes or longer sustained notes. The MW give the sound more of an attack by changing the filter settings up. Aftertouch adds various modulations and opens the filter a little.
U1 P40: Projectiles
Dual Layer
Cheesy Sound FX Alert! You get a stereo spread here with the launch of a propelled weapon of some type. Picture a medium sized metal orb with lots of wire like tentacles. It launches, travels on course and scores a direct hit.
U1 P41: Daytime Trauma
Single Layer
Simple organ tone with a little pop in the attack. The MW sweeps the HP filter cutoff while aftertouch adds lots of movement.
U1 P42: Serious Drops
Single Layer
Deep sub bass sound with a delayed pitch ramp hump in the middle. This patch uses legato mode which keeps the pitch hump down to a minimum. The MW is affecting 4 different destinations and aftertouch supplies some triplet time wobbles.
U1 P43: Ancient Plateau
Dual Layer
This is a drone of sorts that starts with a quick pitch ramp in the attack and slowly evolves with a long filter sweep. Lots of modulation happening here. This patch uses the unison mode so its playable as a lead or low bassline. The MW is doing much here. Mostly it makes the sound brighter but it also brings in the VCA for some added atonal ambience. Aftertouch boosts the osc slop for a busy hive kind of effect while also making the sound a little brighter.
U1 P44: Shorty or Not
Single Layer
A simple, very dry poly synth with a soft attack. Works great for fast staccato stabs or sustained notes and could probably be used as a solo horn. The MW turns this into a large ambient synth stab & pad with a much longer release. Aftertouch adds vibrato like modulations.
U1 P45: All Sub
Single Layer
Huge legato sub bass sound that is very solid. The MW adds vibrato and filter wobbles while aftertouch opens the filter quite a bit.
U1 P46: Translucent Single Layer
Very clear velocity sensitive bell tone with a longish release. You can pluck it or play sustained notes. The MW adds some vibrato and increases the balance of the chorus effect. Aftertouch also adds some vibrato.
U1 P47: 4 Voices Large
Single Layer
Absolutely huge 4 oscillator poly synth strings. The filter sweeps up doing a nice orchestral swell. The oscillators are spread as much as 30 cents with the fine tuning. The MW adds some pwm as well as vibrato. Aftertouch increases all LFO amount as well as opening the filter just a little.
U1 P48: Alarming Unison
Single Layer
Very thick 8 voice unison sound effect that uses envelope 3 to create a looping pitch ramp. The MW reduces the filter cutoff a little while aftertouch increases the speed of the pitch ramp by speeding up the attack time of envelope 3.
U1 P49: Protean Perc Seq (98bpm)
Single Layer (Sequence)
This is a velocity sensitive hand drum type sound. You can play it by finger drumming for a very dynamic sound or simply play the sequence by holding a note. The MW tweaks both filters, the lowpass and the hipass fx, to remove most of the frequencies from the sound. Only the snare is left unscathed. Aftertouch increases the filter resonance and also cranks up the audio modulation parameter for a noisier texture.
U1 P50: No Frills Needed
Single Layer
A classic bright 1 voice unison square lead sound. The MW changes the basic tone by increasing the audio modulation a little and shifting the waveshape of oscillator 1. Aftertouch adds some vibrato.
U1 P51: Mello E Piano
Single Layer
A dynamic but soft electric piano sound with a fair amount of movement. The MW adds a slow tremolo effect and aftertouch speeds up the LFOs and increases the rate of the chorus fx a little.
U1 P52: Padded Brass
Dual Layer
Pretty decent french horn pad type of sound. Toto would be proud with all these brass pad sounds. Its something the Rev 2 excels at so I decided to embrace the tone. The MW opens the filter a little and aftertouch adds some vibrato.
U1 P53: Layin Bricks Seq
Dual Layer (Sequence)
You get a bass sound and another kick drum sound here. The MW is pulling another double shift here but the end result is a completely different synth bass tone and the introduction of a more pronounced click in the kick drum layer.
U1 P54: Cut The Track
Single Layer
This is a bright, sharp sounding lead using 2 saw waves that are tuned 2 octaves apart. The MW increases the filter resonance and the audio modulation quite a bit which removes some lowend but adds a sinister old school bite to the top. Aftertouch adds some fast vibrato.
U1 P55: Ac Pianissimo
Dual Layer
This patch can pass for a soft melancholy acoustic piano in the mid to lower mid range of the keyboard. Velocity sensitive of course...It uses both layers and the HP filter fx to create the basic tone. MW das nauzing! Aftertouch das nauzing!
U1 P56:Uni-Synk Bass
Single Layer
Fat, bouncy, dynamic bass sound using unison 2 voice mode. Both oscillators are set to square
waves and oscillator sync is engaged to add some color and extra punch. The MW opens the filter a bit and aftertouch adds some vibrato.
U1 P57: Pluck Accord
Dual Layer
Kind of dark, velocity sensitive plucks using the unison chord mode. The attack is very punchy due to envelope 3 modulating the pitch with a very fast decay. The MW opens the filter on both layers while aftertouch is adding some vibrato and pwm.
U1 P58: Oohs and Wahs
Single Layer
Kind of sounds like one of the early chip synths attempting a choir sound. You get “Ooohs” and “Wahs” controlled by the MW. Aftertouch adds some vibrato.
U1 P59: Phazzynk Ld
Single Layer
That classic hard oscillator sync sound in unison legato 2 voice mode. A healthy amount of resonance with the velocity sensitive filter cutoff adds a mean, dynamic character to the sound. The MW is adding the vibrato while aftertouch controls oscillator 1 frequency for more manual sync action.
U1 P60: Minority Retort
Single Layer
This is a very tight, velocity sensitive pluck sound with lots of body to the tone. The MW adds a soft attack and increases the release a little to soften the sound considerably. Aftertouch opens the filter just a little.
U1 P61: 2 Chrds 4 A Pluck
Dual Layer
This patch is comprised of 2 different velocity sensitive chords which can be mixed and
crossfaded with the MW. The MW controls the balance between the 2 layers and aftertouch adds some vibrato and opens the filter a little.
U1 P62: Intervals Lead
Single Layer
Punchy velocity sensitive lead with oscillator 2 tuned up to a 5th. This sounds works well for staccato plucks or sustained leads. The MW is doing many things but mainly increases the resonance. Aftertouch adds some vibrato.
U1 P63: Together Again (140bpm)
Split (Arpeggio)
Fat punchy bass arpeggio on the left hand and a synth strings arpeggio on the right side. The MW opens the filter a little while the aftertouch increases the resonance amount.
U1 P64: Sawyers Blood
Dual Layer
A classic resonant filter sweep in unison legato mode. I like this sound in the lower octaves and once the sweep settles you add some nice articulations with aftertouch which is increasing the resonance quite a bit.


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